FRINGE software manual

Greg A. Smith

Look up most references to Zernike polynomials and you will quickly discover there are multiple methods for ordering the polynomials. This page provides historical context for the Fringe ordering as specified in the FRINGE Manual, version 3 (1982). As one of the first programs for working with Zernike polynomials, the FRINGE software had significant impact in optical design and analysis.

FRINGE manual title page text.

The original code was largely created by John S. Loomis at the Optical Sciences Center in the University of Arizona. If anyone has information about earlier versions of this manual or the code, please contact me.

FRINGE manual acknowledgments.

Zernike Ordering

Ordering used in the FRINGE software defies modern conventions by ignoring the constant term, often referred to as piston (Z00). Spread over 3 pages, the ordering of the 36 terms defined in the manual are shown below.

page 1 of table 2 in the manual page 2 of table 2 in the manual page 3 of table 2 in the manual
Zernike ordering for 36 terms with analytical expressions of the polynomials.

Over the years, the missing piston term has either been added as a 0th element, or listed as the first element with all the subsequent indices increased by one. It is likely beyond hope to settle on a consistent numbering scheme.

Historical Notes

Table of Contents

This manual is impressive for its scope. Containing over 230 pages with appendices, it provides detailed information about program usage, inputs, outputs, and related reference material that is useful when working with Zernike polynomials.

page 1 of table of contents page 2 of table of contents
FRINGE manual table of contents.

Art work

Even more impressive than the manual, was the program itself. Using a combination of ASCII art and line drawings, the FRINGE software was able to generate beautiful images and 3D plots of Zernike surfaces.

line drawing ASCII art
Line drawing and ASCII image for the 7th polynomial (vertical coma).

Note to User

Perhaps best of all, the FRINGE software was able to do all this while fitting in 68 kB of memory.

Note to user about software usage