The calculator below uses JavaScript to provide quick computation of the Fresnel equations. To learn the concepts represented by this plot, please view the Fresnel equation description page.
reflected irradiance
reflected diattenuation
reflected retardance
reflected amplitude - Abs
reflected amplitude - Phase
reflected amplitude - Real
reflected amplitude - Imag
transmitted irradiance
transmitted diattenuation
transmitted retardance
transmitted amplitude - Abs
transmitted amplitude - Phase
transmitted amplitude - Real
transmitted amplitude - Imag
nInc =
--- custom ---
air: 1.000
diamond: 2.417
polycarbonate: 1.585
water: 1.333
CaF2 405nm: 1.441
CaF2 5000nm: 1.399
Clearceram 436nm: 1.558
Clearceram 644nm: 1.544
Clearceram 1530nm: 1.528
FusedSilica 365nm: 1.475
FusedSilica 632nm: 1.457
FusedSilica 1530nm: 1.444
Borofloat 436 nm: 1.480
Borofloat 644 nm: 1.470
BK7 405 nm: 1.530
BK7 633 nm: 1.515
BK7 1530 nm: 1.501
SF11 405 nm: 1.842
SF11 633 nm: 1.779
SF11 1530 nm: 1.745
Zerodur 588nm: 1.542
nSub =
--- custom ---
air: 1.000
diamond: 2.417
polycarbonate: 1.585
water: 1.333
aluminium 413 nm: 0.521 + 5.000I
aluminium 729 nm: 2.161 + 8.357I
aluminium 1550 nm: 1.578 + 15.656
copper 413 nm: 1.28 + 2.207I
copper 704 nm: 0.21 + 4.205I
copper 1610 nm: 0.76 + 11.12I
gold 413 nm: 1.46 + 1.958I
gold 704 nm: 0.13 + 4.103I
gold 1610 nm: 0.56 + 11.21I
silver 413 nm: 0.05 + 2.275I
silver 704 nm: 0.04 + 4.838I
silver 1610 nm: 0.15 + 11.85I
CaF2 405nm: 1.441
CaF2 5000nm: 1.399
Clearceram 436nm: 1.558
Clearceram 644nm: 1.544
Clearceram 1530nm: 1.528
FusedSilica 365nm: 1.475
FusedSilica 632nm: 1.457
FusedSilica 1530nm: 1.444
Borofloat 436 nm: 1.480
Borofloat 644 nm: 1.470
BK7 405 nm: 1.530
BK7 633 nm: 1.515
BK7 1530 nm: 1.501
SF11 405 nm: 1.842
SF11 633 nm: 1.779
SF11 1530 nm: 1.745
Zerodur 588nm: 1.542
nInc is the refractive index of the incident material and is assumed real-valued for a propagating wave. nSub is the refractive index of the substrate and may be complex-valued. Material catalog is not comprehensive.
Values are computed immediately after the interface. This means transmission into a metal substrate is possible.
Software download
Open-source code and test cases are provided for a few programming languages commonly used in optical science and engineering.
*This code is provided with no affiliation, endorsement, certification, nor approval from any of the programming languages.
Note: To keep this webpage focused on the calculator, the math and discussion have been removed. I am happy to discuss these results further, and the code for these pages is commented, so take a look or ask me a question .